Cohabitation II

research workshop and curating, 2012

Research workshop and group show, curated by Thierry Fournier and Jean-François Robardet
Exhibition at NaNiMa gallery, École nationale supérieure d’art de Nancy (FR), 2012

Works by Alice Adenis, Romain Hantz et Jérôme Gonzales / Anne-Sophie Banach, Laureline Maudet et Guillaume Cadot / Wei Chang, Charlotte Moreau et Se Won Hwang / Benoît Henry / Brice Mantovani / Xiao-Jun Song et Guilhem Mariotte / Marianne Villière, students of Ecole nationale supérieure d’art de Nancy, Ecole des Mines de Nancy and ICN Business School.

The Cohabitation project stands a protocol in which each work proposes a relationship with the audience and the other works as well, in the same room. Two editions were created in 2011 and 2012, gathering 16 works created by the students of the Electroshop research and creation workshop, directed and curated by Thierry Fournier and Jean-François Robardet. It hostes students from three universities : the École nationale supérieure d’art de Nancy, ICN Business School and the Ecole des Mines de Nancy.




Alice Adenis, Romain Hantz and Jérôme Gonzales

Anne-Sophie Banach, Laureline Maudet and Guillaume Cadot


Wei Chang, Charlotte Moreau and Se Won Hwang

Brice Mantovani

Xiao-Jun Song and Guilhem Mariotte

Marianne Villière


Photographs © Thierry Fournier 2012
With support from Région Lorraine – research grant

Cohabitation I

group show and research workshop, 2011

Group show and research workshop, 2011
Curated by Thierry Fournier and Jean-François Robardet
Exhibition at Musée des Beaux-arts de Nancy (FR), 2011

The Cohabitation project stands a protocol in which each work proposes a relationship with the audience and the other works as well, in the same room. Two editions were created in 2011 and 2012, gathering 16 works created by the students of the Electroshop research and creation workshop, directed and curated by Thierry Fournier and Jean-François Robardet. It hostes students from three universities : the École nationale supérieure d’art de Nancy, ICN Business School and the Ecole des Mines de Nancy.




Mathieu Sarrasin and Sylvain Spanu, Beat Box

Mélanie Jayantha, Laura Kwan, Florence Pewzer, Marie Rollin, Eden

Aurélia Lucchesi, Hautbois

Thierry Fournier, Set-up

Kathy Denise, Coralie Forissier, Jenny Partouche, Specola Beccata

Jean-François Robardet, Sperling


collective for curating, production and critique, 2006-2007

Collective for curating, production and critique. Founded in 2006 by Thierry Fournier (artist), Gérald Gauguier (author), Steven Hearn (producer), Marie Husson (artist), Myriam Marzouki (author and director), Daniel Migairou (producer), Isabelle Pellegrini (author), Valérie Pihet (Sciences Po / École des Arts Politiques) and Jean-François Robardet (artist).

This collective project was dedicated to production, curating and critique, exploring the transferts between visual arts, performing arts and writing. In 2007, Écholalie invited five artists, authors and researchers for a series of conferences: Miguel Benasayag (philosopher and psychoanalyst), Samuel Bianchini (artist), Céline Flécheux (philosopher), Per Hüttner (artist) and Bruno Latour (philosopher, anthropologist and sociologist). The collective has also curated the Open 2007 exhibition and performances on May 27th 2007 at Lelabo (Paris), in collaboration with CITu (Laboratories of Paris 1 et Paris 8 universities):

– Samuel Bianchini : “Diaporama #1 – Audience at work: niform, interactive installation” (projection)
– Manuel Coursin and Théo Kooijman : “Le Son des choses n°8 – Egoutte-moi” (performance)
– Emma Dusong : “La Corde” (performance)
– Juliette Fontaine : “Erotiques” (drawings)
– Thierry Fournier, Juliette Fontaine and Judith Morisseau : “Seul Richard – Overture” (performance)
– Thierry Fournier and Emmanuelle Lafon : “Outside lectures – Episode 1” (performance)
– Marie Husson : “WWW.” (photographs)
– Pascal Kirsch, Bénédicte Le Lamer and Florent Manneveau : “Guardamunt 34′” (performance)
– Myriam Marzouki, Christophe Brault and Clémence Léauté : “United Problems of Coût de la Main d’Œuvre” (theater, excerpt)
– Jean-François Robardet : “Powertool” (drawings)
