
June 21 to September 8, 2024: curating and scenography.
Lauren Lee McCarthy, What can I do for you? (Que puis-je pour vous ?)

First solo show in France of Californian artist Lauren Lee McCarthy at Le Lieu Unique, Nantes, curated and designed by Thierry Fournier. Open from June 21 to September 8, 2024. Exhibition view © Maud Levavasseur.

May 14, 2024: conference
Interstices, ESAM Caen

International conference organized by Esam Caen/Cherbourg (Laboratoire Modulaire), in collaboration with Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (RIRRA21), co-directed by Luc Brou, Claire Chatelet and David Dronet.

February 26 – March 1, 2024: exhibition and talks
Commune presence at Turbulence, Marseille

Two encounters in connection with the Commune Présence project I’m running with artist and curator Juliette Fontaine:
– an exhibition of the series of digital images and the film Lacunes on Tuesday February 27 at 7:30pm
– three talks on Thursday February 29 with artists Fanny Terno and Thomas Vauthier, Juliette Fontaine and Marianne Villière. At the invitation of Damien Beyrouthy as part of the Atelier des basculements at Aix-Marseille Université.

June 2023: new work

Lacunes is a series of 60 prints on paper, created from three-dimensional scans of flowers and plants.

12 May – 4 June 2023: group show
L’Événement photographique

L’Octroi, Nancy :, curator Jean-Yves Camus
Séries exposées : La Main invisible, Non-lieu

March 2023: catalog
La Main Invisible

A new edition of the project catalog La Main invisible will be published in 2023 by Empreintes & Digitales (Nancy). It includes the complete series, a text by art critic and curator Pau Waelder and, for the first time, the initial eight photographs. It is available as a limited edition from the publisher or below: 48 color pages 150g, soft touch cover 350g, ISBN ISBN 978-2-492040-11-5, price €15 + postage €6.50 :


décembre 2022 : publication
Au Capa, un lieu d’art à la Maladrerie, Aubervilliers

Designed by Juliette Fontaine and Thierry Fournier, the catalog Au Capa, un lieu d’art à la Maladrerie, Aubervilliers describes all the activities of an art venue that is characterized by an approach that is at once demanding, inclusive and socially very committed: guest artist exhibitions, art workshops for amateurs and their exhibitions, workshops outside the walls for schoolchildren, families, senior citizens and people with disabilities, conferences, meetings, etc.

décembre 2022 : text
Xiaojun Song, aux présences invisibles

Critical text by Thierry Fournier, Xiaojun Song, aux présences invisibles, galerie Françoise Besson, Lyon, 2022

November 2022

Creation in residence at Turbulence, art space of Aix-Marseille University (Saint-Charles site), at the invitation of the artist and researcher Damien Beyrouthy, as part of his project Epistemologies for Medium. Creation of L’Insu, an installation that addresses the ideologies conveyed about science by image banks. This project had been developed in a first form in May 2022 in the exhibition Supplementary Elements at the University of Strasbourg. 

This residency at Turbulence also includes 4 interviews around the issues raised by image banks, with Franck Ancel, psychoanalyst and artist, Emeline Dufrennoy, curator of the exhibition Supplementary Elements in Strasbourg, Stéphane Degoutin and Gwenola Wagon, artists and Emmanuel Simiand, psychoanalyst.

Restitution of the residency on Friday, November 18 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at Turbulence / Aix-Marseille University, 3, place Victor Hugo, Marseille

Du 9 au 30 juin 2022
Sightseeing / Penser voir, ISEA Barcelona

The network installation Sightseeing (Penser voir) is exhibited in a new version at ISEA Barcelona from June 9 to 30, at Hospital Sant Pau.

3 juin 2022
antiAtlas Journal #5 – Air Deportation

Out now: antiAtlas Journal #5 Air Deportation with 14 unpublished international articles, directed by William Walters with Clara Lecadet and Cédric Parizot, design by Thierry Fournier.

April 28, 2022
The Unknown, generative video, 2022

The Unknown is a generative film that focuses on contemporary images of science, questioning the fictions and ideologies they convey. Produced by the University of Strasbourg, as part of the Supplementary Elements research program and group show, curated by Emeline Dufrennoy.

Thierry Fournier, The Invisible Hand #1, fine art print on dibond, 75 x 50 cm, from an image by Charly Triballeau, 2019

April 27, 2022
Group exhibition: counter-visualities, Turbulence, Marseille

The exhibition Counter-visualities shows my series of digital images The Invisible hand: four prints out of eight, 75 x 50 cm, fine art print on dibond, 2022. The Invisible Hand transforms eight photographs that witness police violence by completely erasing the police officers from the image.

The exhibition proposes to explore how artists renegotiate tactics that may fall under a game of opposition between visible and invisible, but their practices also fall under the umbrella of inquiry, collective organization and participation within a complex media context. With Taysir Batniji, Matthieu Boucherit, Forensic Architecture, Thierry Fournier, Antoine Hoffmann, Stefan Kruse, Louise Moulin / Plein le dos, Estefanía Peñafiel Loaiza, Sara Sadik. Curated by Julie Martin. Opening on April 27, 2022 at 6pm.

New publication
Catalog : This Land Is Your Land (FR)

Catalog of the group exhibition This Land Is Your Land at the Château de Goutelas, 112 pages including 65 color photographs, texts, notices and biographies, 2022. Price: €5 plus shipping.

For any questions regarding Paypal, please email me

New publication
Le Monde Diplomatique

The April 2022 Manières de voir special issue Fire on Freedoms calls for 6 digital images from the The Invisible Hand series.

March 18 – September 18, 2022
Curating: This Land Is Your Land

with Cécile Beau, Joseph Beuys, Céline Cléron, Juliette Fontaine, Bruno Gadenne, Harold Guérin, Laurent Lacotte, Luce Moreau, Flavie Pinatel, Enrique Ramírez, Erik Samakh, Stéphane Thidet, Marie Voignier. Director of I Like America and America Likes Me: Helmut Wietz.

The group exhibition This Land Is Your Land addresses the landscape as a place of otherness and potential shared space, both between humans and with all living things. Photo Credit: Harold Guerin, Summer Trip, 2012-2014.

Out now!
Catalog: Órganon (FR)

Catalog of the solo show Órganon at Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, featuring an interview with Nathalie Moureau and a critical text by Juliette Fontaine, 150 pages, 110 color photographs, 25 x 20 cm, 2021. See the Órganon project and the catalog.

For any question, please feel free to send me an email

9 septembre 2021
Group show: Instructions Follow, Feral File

Curator Pau Waelder, online exhibition on Feral File, with Lauren Lee McCarthy, Thierry Fournier, Joana Moll, Guido Segni, Alba G. Corral, Disnovation, Martin John Callanan, Antoine Schmitt, Alix Desaubliaux, Solimán López, Irma Marco, Varvara & Mar

1er juillet – 30 septembre 2021
Group show: Shared Sacred Sites, Cermodern, Ankara

Curators Dionigi Albera and Manoël Pénicaud. Informations: Cermodern

Out now
Catalogue : The Invisible Hand

Original text by Pau Waelder, 40 pages color 170g, cover 350g soft touch paper.
More info on The Invisible Hand
The catalogue can be purchased below via Paypal (see below). A free PDF can also be downloaded in English or French version.


April 30th – August 8th, 2021
Group show: Des Mondes possibles, Mérignac

Curator Emeline Dufrennoy. More info (FR): Des Mondes possibles

January 7th – March 30th, 2020
Group show: Muses algorithmiques

Le Granit, Belfort, with Donatien Aubert, Olivier Bémer, Emilie Brout et Maxime Marion, Cindy Coutant,, Sylvie Fanchon, Fleuryfontaine, Thierry Fournier, Helen Knowles and Antoine Schmitt.

December 1st, 2020 – March 7th, 2021
Group show and new work: Biennale Chroniques

Biennale Chroniques, Aix-en-Provence et Marseille. Group show Ghost in the Machine at 21bis Mirabeau gallery, Aix-en-Provence. Creation of the installation Ungrave (photo above).


November 20th, 2020
New work: The Invisible Hand

The Invisible Hand, series of fine art prints on dibond, variable dimensions, 2020, after photographs and courtesy NnoMan Cadoret, Amaury Cornu, Benoît Durand, Anne Paq, Julien Pitinome, Kiran Ridley and Charly Triballeau.

October 30th – November 13th, 2020
Solo show: Ecotonalia

Aperto artist run space, Montpellier. Exhibition cancelled due to the lockdown in France.

18 septembre – 23 octobre 2020
Solo show: Órganon

Órganon, series of iPad drawings printed on vinyls and installed at a large scale on the campus, Université Paul Valéry – Montpellier 3, opening on September 17th.

July 3th – September 20th, 2020
Group show: L’Art dans les chapelles, Pontivy, FR

Creation of the installation The Probe (La Sonde).

May, 20th to August, 22th, 2020
Curating: Selphish

Co-curating Thierry Fournier and Pau Waelder. Re-opening of the group show Selphish from May, 20th to August, 22th with Martin John Callanan, Alix Desaubliaux and Lauren McCarthy. See also the website of the project and Mécènes du sud.

February 1st – 13th, 2020
Collective curating and public collection: Collection Artem

Project directed by Thierry Fournier & Jean-François Robardet
Works by Victoria Clemens, Anna Coulet, Garance Henry, Rémy Pommeret, Eva Pruciewicz, Marlène Simon, Marie Tralci and Armelle Tulunda.
Curated collectively by the Collection Artem workshop: Élise Deubel, Manon Nicolay, Carla-Marie Savaris, Florian Tabouret (Ensad Nancy), Baptiste Dupuis, Cécile Lemaître, Carole Muller (ICN Business School), Orégane Bulou and Marie-Laure Chavazas


November 7-10th, 2019
Luxembourg Art week

Ecotone and Just in case are presented by Saarländisches Künstlerhaus

November 14th – December 20th, 2019
Solo show: A+

Université Paul Valéry – Montpellier 3

October 7th-13th, 2019
Group show: Criatek

Igreja das Carmelitas, Aveiro, Portugal – curator Carlos Verissimo (photo)

April 11 – 19, 2019
Solo sessions: Ecotone

Exhibition sessions, invitation by Nicolas Dubourg
Cultural Center of Paul Valéry – Montpellier 3 University – informations

April 19th – July 14th, 2019
Group show: Shared Sacred Sites

Curated by Dionigi Albera and Manoël Pénicaud
Depo Gallery, Istanbul, Turquie
From April 20th to July 14th, 2019

16 mars – 9 juin 2019
Group show: Mécènes du Sud / Aube immédiate, vents tièdes

Curated by Victorine Grataloup et Diane Turquety
With Nils Alix-Tabeling, Mathis Altmann, Dimitra-Ellie Antoniou, Will Benedict, Elsa Brès, Gaëlle Choisne, Mimosa Echard & Michel Blazy, Thierry Fournier, Jean-Marie Perdrix, Dimitri Robert-Rimsky, Rometti Costales. Mécènes du Sud Montpellier, March 16th to June 9th, 2019

February 22 – March 3, 2019
Curating: The Watchers, Tokyo

The Watchers, with Marie-Julie Bourgeois, Marine Pagès and Antoine Schmitt, curating and apparatus Thierry Fournier, invited by Tokyo French Institute, Digital Choc and Media Ambition Tokyo Festival, Mori Tower 52th floor, Tokyo.

October 20, 2017 – April 7, 2019
Group show: Open Codes, ZKM

Open Codes, ZKM – Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe (Germany), curated by Peter Weibel, Natalia Fuchs, Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás and Yasemin Keskintepe.

Before 2019

See the news archive

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