The Invisible Hand

Series of 8 digital images, fine art giclee print on dibond, 75 x 50 cm, 2020
Created from photographs and courtesy of NnoMan, Amaury Cornu, Benoît Durand, Anne Paq, Julien Pitinome, Kiran Ridley and Charly Triballeau.

The Invisible Hand (La Main invisible) transforms press photographs that bear witness to police violence, completely erasing the police officers from the image. Raising the question of censorship and pretending to submit to it, the image shows people under the assault of spectral entities that no longer have bodies or faces. These bodies are then assaulted by spectral entities that are like a metaphor for wider violence – the term “invisible hand” evoking that of capitalism in particular.

This series has involved close collaboration with the original photographers. It has been exhibited many times since 2020 and also illustrates the special issue Manières de voir #182 of French political magazine Le Monde Diplomatique in May 2022, Feu sur les libertés / Fire on Freedoms.

Feature image : Thierry Fournier, La Main invisible #3, 2020, after a photograph by Amaury Cornu, Yellow vests demonstration, Paris, 2019

Thierry Fournier, La Main invisible #2, 2020, after a photograph by Anne Paq, feminist demonstration in Paris, 2020

Thierry Fournier, La Main invisible #6, 2020, after a photograph by Kiran Ridley, Yellow Vests demonstration, Paris, 2018

Thierry Fournier, La Main Invisible #1

Thierry Fournier, La Main invisible #1, 2020, after a photograph by Charly Triballeau, Yellow Vests demonstration, Rouen, Rouen 2019

Original photographs: :

Amaury Cornu, Yellow vests demonstration, Paris, 2019

Anne Paq, feminist demonstration in Paris, 2020

Kiran Ridley, Yellow vests demonstration, Paris, 2018

I’m not there

in situ photographs, 2012

Series of photographs (2012)
Augmented Window project, Prats-de-Mollo (FR) – July 2012 / October 2017

Composed of digital photographs superposed on a live environment, I’m not there proposes contradictory stimuli. The project works on the expectation that we bring to a landscape, by subjecting it to archetypal figures.

